Bulletin Board2021-11-23T21:39:28-05:00

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board

New Way of Calculating Medicaid DSH

Hospitals will soon see federal regulators take a new approach to calculating their Medicaid DSH payments. Specifically, their Medicaid disproportionate share hospital-specific payment limit. A new CMS regulation changes how third-party payments are factored into the calculation of hospitals’ Medicaid disproportionate share hospital-specific payment limit.  That limit, in turn, affects hospitals’ Medicaid DSH payments. This final rule implements changes CMS proposed last year to comply with a congressional mandate to include in the calculation of hospitals’ Medicaid disproportionate share hospital-specific payment limits only costs and payments for services furnished to [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for February 22

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for February 16-22.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. CMS and Medicaid DSH Payments CMS has published a final rule governing how third-party payers are factored into the calculation of hospitals’ Medicaid disproportionate share hospital-specific payment limit.  This change requires that the calculation be based solely on Medicaid costs and payments and that costs and payments associated with dually eligible (Medicare and Medicaid) patients be excluded from the calculation of that limit.  [...]

Providers Faring Well in Surprisingly Busy Dispute Resolution Process

Health care providers are winning more than three-quarters of all payment disputes being brought through an unexpectedly active federal Independent Dispute Resolution process. The process, created under the 2020 No Surprises Act to settle payment disagreements between providers and payers and to spare consumers surprise medical bills – especially for receiving emergency care from providers outside of their insurer’s network.  2023 saw 13 times more disputes during the first half of 2023 – nearly 300,000 cases in all – than federal officials anticipated. With more than 20 percent of the [...]

Proposal Would Establish New “Essential Health System” Designation

The newly proposed “Reinforcing Essential Health Systems for Communities Act” would create a new federal hospital designation that would create a mechanism for directing more federal resources to safety-net hospitals that care for more low-income and uninsured patients. The bipartisan bill, sponsored by Representatives Lori Trahan (D-MA) and David Valadao (R-CA), would, according to Rep. Trahan, … provide federal lawmakers with the avenues necessary to target funding and resources to these critical facilities – just as we’ve done with other types of hospitals that serve specific populations or regions. Hospitals [...]

Hospitals Rally Against Medicare Site-Neutral Payments

A proposal to save Medicare nearly $4 billion over a decade is running into stiff opposition. From hospitals. – and some members of Congress. Medicare has long paid more for outpatient services provided in hospital-based outpatient departments than it has for the same services delivered in private doctors’ offices.  Critics say this is unfair, that Medicare should pay the same no matter where the service is provided.  Defenders of the practice maintain that hospital-based outpatient departments share higher fixed costs, including for ERs and care for uninsured patients.  They also [...]


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