Medicare disproportionate share

Federal Health Policy Update for June 13

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for June 7-13.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government document. Supreme Court The Supreme Court has agreed to hear a challenge to how the Department of Health and Human Services calculates hospitals’ Medicare disproportionate share (Medicare DSH) payments.  The case was added to the court’s 2024-2025 schedule. Congress Individual members and key committees in Congress continue to introduce and mark up health care-related legislation with an eye toward including these initiatives in an end-of-year package.  This work is expected to continue through the [...]

Supreme Court to Review Medicare DSH Case

The Supreme Court will hear a challenge to how the federal government calculates Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicare DSH) for hospitals that serve especially large numbers of low-income patients. At the heart of the issue is the Department of Health and Human Services’ contention that patients who are enrolled in Social Security’s Supplemental Security Income program but are not receiving supplemental payments at the time of their admission to a hospital should not count toward a hospital’s percentage of low-income patients in the calculation of Medicare DSH payments.  A 2022 federal appeals court decision supported HHS’s approach. Learn more [...]

2024-06-12T15:01:06+00:00June 12, 2024|Medicare disproportionate share, Medicare DSH|

Federal Health Policy Update for April 12

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for April 5-11.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. CMS – Proposed FY 2025 Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System Regulation Earlier this week CMS issued its proposed FY 2025 Medicare inpatient prospective payment system regulation – the rule under which it envisions paying acute-care hospitals, critical access hospitals, and long-term care hospitals for inpatient care in the coming fiscal year.  Highlights of the proposed rule include: Rate increases of 2.6 percent for acute-care and critical access hospitals and 2.8 percent for LTCHs. [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for March 21

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for March 15-21.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. The White House The White House has announced new actions to advance women’s health research and innovation and issued an executive order in support of that objective.  The order directs executive branch agencies to integrate women’s health across the federal research portfolio; prioritize investments in women’s health research; pursue new research on women’s midlife health; and assess unmet needs to support women’s health research.  Learn more from this White House fact sheet, which [...]

MedPAC Recommends Medicare Rate Updates to Congress

Some health care providers deserve larger Medicare payments in 2025, some should receive payment cuts, and others should see their payments go unchanged according to new recommendations from the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission to Congress. In its annual report to Congress, MedPAC recommended the following changes in Medicare rates for 2025: Medicare inpatient rates – the rate increase currently scheduled by law for 2025 plus 1.5 percent. Medicare outpatient rates – the rate increase currently scheduled by law for 2025 plus 1.5 percent. Medicare physician rates – the rate increase for physician and other health professional services currently scheduled by [...]

Hospitals Continue to Protest Medicare DSH Cut

The regulation has already been finalized but hospitals continue to protest Medicare’s intention to reduce their Medicare disproportionate share (Medicare DSH) uncompensated care payments. The cut, proposed at $115 million in April, when the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposed it, ended up just shy of $1 billion in the final regulation.  The major change, according to CMS, comes because the agency’s actuaries have projected a lower uninsured rate than when CMS proposed the $115 million cut in the spring. Medicare DSH payments are intended to help hospitals that care for especially large numbers of uninsured patients with the [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for August 3

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for July 29-August 3.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Medicare Payment Regulations CMS has issued a final rule updating Medicare payment policies and rates for inpatient and long-term-care hospital services under its inpatient prospective payment system and long-term care prospective payment system for FY 2024.  The final rule increases hospital inpatient rates 3.1 percent and LTCH rates 3.3 percent in FY 2024.  Other highlights include a nearly $1 billion cut in Medicare disproportionate share (Medicare DSH) and Medicare DSH uncompensated care [...]

Health Policy Update for June 8

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for May 28 – June 8.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has announced a new primary care model – the Making Care Primary Model – that will be tested by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation in eight states.  The model seeks to improve care for patients by expanding and enhancing care management and care coordination, equipping primary care clinicians with tools to form partnerships with health care specialists, and leveraging community-based connections [...]

MedPAC Offers FY 2024 Rate Recommendations

Medicare rates would rise for some providers and fall for others based on recommendations made to Congress last week by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission, the independent congressional agency that advises Congress on Medicare reimbursement matters. MedPAC’s rate recommendations to Congress and the administration, which it approved at its January 2023 meeting, are: Outpatient and inpatient prospective payment systems – under current law, the estimated increase would be about 2.9 percent; MedPAC proposes 2.9 percent plus one percent. Physician services – increase fees 50 percent of the projected increase in the medical economic index (MEI). Skilled nursing facilities – reduce [...]

Hospitals Sue Over Medicare DSH Payments

Fifteen years ago, a federal court ruled that the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services was calculating Medicare disproportionate share payments (Medicare DSH) incorrectly and ordered the agency to fix the problem and reimburse eligible hospitals for the underpayments they had experienced. Now, after 15 years of waiting, 40 of those hospitals are suing for their money. In a suit filed in federal court, the hospitals outline the actions CMS has and has not taken to correct the problem and write that The agency's contractors have not performed the revised determinations required under the ruling and the rule and have [...]

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