Bulletin Board2021-11-23T21:39:28-05:00

Bulletin Board

Bulletin Board

CMS Clarifies Medicare Advantage Rule

To help clarify its final Medicare Advantage rule for 2024, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has published an FAQ providing additional guidance to Medicare Advantage plans and Medicare-Medicaid plans about prior authorization for admission to post-acute-care facilities and plans’ future use of artificial intelligence (AI), algorithms, and other software tools in their coverage criteria and utilization management practices. The rule has broad implications for most health care providers but especially for post-acute-care providers, which the FAQ reflects by addressing major issues and long-running challenges for such providers, including [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for February 8

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for February 2 - 8.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Congress Members of the Senate’s 340B bipartisan working group have released a discussion draft of legislation that would update the 340B prescription drug discount program.  Last year the group sought stakeholder input on policy solutions that might provide stability and transparency to the 340B program to ensure that the program can continue to achieve its original intent of supporting entities serving [...]

States Using Medicaid Money to Address Homelessness

Trusting in the adage that “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,” more and more states are using Medicaid funds to address homelessness. The theory, not fully tested, is that providing housing to the homeless, along with other social supports, will reduce their use of hospital emergency rooms, improve their overall health, and end up saving taxpayer money.  Some are skeptical, believing health care money should be spent on health care services. Today, 19 states are using some of their Medicaid resources to provide housing to the [...]

Medicare ACO Participation Rising

Participation in Medicare’s various accountable care organizations is increasing, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reports. According to CMS, 50 new ACOs will participate in its Medicare Shared Savings Program in 2024 along with another 19 that will participate in a new, permanent payment option version of that program.  Another 71 ACOs renewed their participation in the program, bringing the total number of ACOs in the program to 480 that together will serve nearly 11 million traditional Medicare beneficiaries. Other Medicare ACOs account for another three million participants.  Among [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for February 1

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for January 26 – February 1.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has released its calendar year (CY) 2025 Advance Notice for the Medicare Advantage and Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Programs that would update payment and other policies for these programs.  Under the notice, federal Medicare Advantage spending would increase an expected 3.7 percent, or more than $16 billion, but the agency also proposes reducing [...]


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