The following is the latest information from federal regulators and others as of 4:00 p.m. on Monday, April 13.

Department of Health and Human Services


Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services


Department of Labor


Food and Drug Administration


Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


National Institutes of Health


Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission

  • MACPAC has written to CMS administrator Seema Verma to express its concern that the manner in which CMS has chosen to distribute $30 billion of the $100 billion designated in the CARES Act for hospitals and health care providers “…does not account for the real and pressing concerns of safety-net providers that are on the frontlines of serving the nation’s poorest and most vulnerable people…” MACPAC also asks Ms. Verma to “…ensure that safety-net providers, including hospitals considered deemed disproportionate share hospitals (DSH) for the purpose of Medicaid payment…children’s hospitals, and other providers serving Medicaid and other low-income patients have access to federal funds made available through the CARES Act without delay.”  See the MACPAC letter here.


Federal Funding Opportunities for Hospitals

  • The National Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals has prepared a document that collects and presents in one place the various new federal funding opportunities for hospitals resulting from legislation addressing the COVID-19 public health emergency.  Find that document here.