MedPAC’s commissioners held their latest public meetings on Thursday, March 6 and Friday, March 7.   The subjects on the meetings’ agenda were:

  • reforming Medicare physician fee schedule updates and improving the accuracy of relative payment rates
  • reducing beneficiary cost-sharing for Medicare-covered outpatient services at critical access hospitals
  • Medicare insurance agents
  • Medigap
  • mandated report: payment for ground ambulance services
  • examining home health care use among Medicare Advantage enrollees
  • institutional special needs plans
  • reducing beneficiary cost-sharing for Medicare-covered outpatient services at critical access hospitals

Go here for summaries of the issues and key points and links to the presentations delivered by MedPAC staff and a transcript of the two-day session.

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues involving Medicare.  While its recommendations are not binding on either Congress or the administration, MedPAC is highly influential in governing circles and its recommendations often find their way into legislation, regulations, and new public policy.  Find its web page here