Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals

Federal Health Policy Update for September 12

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for September 6-12.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. 340B A federal court has declined to issue a preliminary order to block implementation of a Maryland law that requires pharmaceutical companies to provide discounts on drugs dispensed by eligible 340B providers by contract pharmacies.  The challenge to the Maryland law, filed by Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA) and several pharmaceutical companies, will be heard without a temporary order suspending the law’s implementation.  Learn more from the court order. Centers for [...]

Court’s Chevron Decision to Affect Health Care

A Supreme Court decision last week could have a profound effect on the regulation of many aspects of the health care industry. The Chevron decision, issued by the court in 1984, called for courts to defer to federal agency interpretation of ambiguous statutes if they found those interpretations to be reasonable.  The latest Supreme Court ruling, however, overturns that approach, calling for the courts to act independently when evaluating the appropriateness of agency interpretations and the regulations federal agencies implement in support of those interpretations. The Washington Post explains that Legal experts and health officials expect a gusher of litigation [...]

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