DSRIP Evolves

Medicaid Delivery System Reform Incentive Payment waivers, unleashed by the Affordable Care Act and other Obama administration initiatives, sought to foster a greater focus on value in the delivery of health care.  Medicaid DSRIP waivers typically provided new Medicaid funds to health care organizations that met performance goals for improving the quality of care, improving health care outcomes, and improving health care infrastructure in ways that improved care quality and outcomes.  To a significant extent, early DSRIP programs helped protect Medicaid payments to hospitals that were jeopardized by hospital-specific and state-wide upper-payment limit problems. State DSRIP initiatives are now moving [...]

2018-10-04T06:00:03-04:00October 4, 2018|Medicaid|


The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission met recently in Washington, D.C. Among the issues MACPAC commissioners discussed during their two-day meeting were: delivery system reform incentive payment programs Medicaid enrollment and renewal processes managed care oversight monitoring and evaluating section 11115 demonstration waivers Medicaid coverage of telemedicine services MACPAC advises the administration, Congress, and the states on Medicaid and CHIP issues.  It is a non-partisan agency of the legislative branch of government. Go here to find background information on these and other subjects as well as links to the presentations that MACPAC staff made to the commissioners during [...]

2017-09-20T06:00:11-04:00September 20, 2017|MACPAC, Medicaid, Medicaid managed care, Medicaid regulations|
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