Medicare and skilled nursing facilities

MedPAC Posts Annual Data Book

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has published its annual data book Health Care Spending and the Medicare Program.  The book provides information on national health care and Medicare spending, Medicare beneficiary demographics, and data on dual-eligible beneficiaries, quality of care in the Medicare program, and Medicare beneficiary and other payer liabilities. MedPAC presents its data in 11 sections: national health care and Medicare spending Medicare beneficiary demographics Medicare beneficiary and other payer financial liability dual-eligible beneficiaries alternative payer models acute inpatient services – general acute-care hospitals and inpatient psychiatric hospitals ambulatory care – physicians and other health professionals, hospital outpatient [...]

OIG Cites Medicare, Medicaid Among Top Unimplemented Recommendations

CMS has failed to implement many of the policy changes recommended to it by HHS’s Office of the Inspector General, according to a new OIG report. Every year the Department of Health and Human Services’ OIG offers recommendations for policy changes designed to reduce fraud, waste, and abuse in HHS programs.  This week, the OIG published “OIG’s Top Unimplemented Recommendations:  Solutions to Reduce Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in HHS Programs.” Among the top 25 unimplemented recommendations to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services are 14 involving Medicare and Medicaid.  Its top 10 unimplemented Medicare recommendations are: CMS should take [...]

Mixed Verdict: Home Health Leads to More Readmissions But Lower Costs

Readmission rates are greater for patients discharged from hospitals to home health care than they are for those discharged to skilled nursing facilities but home health services cost so much less than nursing homes that home health saves money even with the higher numbers of hospital readmissions. This is one of the major findings of a new study comparing differences in outcomes for patients who are admitted to skilled nursing facilities upon discharge from the hospital to those for patients who go direct home and receive home health services. The study also found no meaningful differences in patient mortality or [...]

OIG: Medicare Errs in Paying for Some Skilled Nursing Care

Medicare is erroneously paying for skilled nursing facility care for beneficiaries who did not spend three nights in an acute-care hospital, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the Inspector General has concluded. Based on a limited sampling, the OIG estimates that Medicare spent $84 million on such ineligible services from 2013 through 2015. A new report from the OIG explains that We attribute the improper payments to the absence of a coordinated notification mechanism among the hospitals, beneficiaries, and SNFs to ensure compliance with the 3-day rule. We noted that hospitals did not always provide correct [...]

2019-02-28T06:00:33-05:00February 28, 2019|Medicare reimbursement policy|

For Nursing Homes, Medicare Giveth and Medicare Taketh Away

Nearly 4000 skilled nursing facilities will receive bonuses from Medicare this year while nearly 11,000 will be penalized under Medicare’s Skilled Nursing Facility Value-Based Purchasing Program. The program, created in 2014, rewards nursing homes that keep low the number of patients who must be admitted to hospitals during the year and penalizes those with the highest hospital admission rates. Successful nursing homes will receive bonuses of as much as 1.6 percent for each Medicare patient they serve while those that had too many hospital admissions will face penalties of nearly two percent for all of their Medicare patients. On the [...]

MedPAC Delivers Annual Report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has issued its annual report and recommendations to Congress. The major issues addressed in the report include: implementing a unified payment system for post-acute care reforming Medicare payment for drugs under Part B redesigning the merit-based incentive payment system (MIPS) and strengthening advanced alternative payment models using premium support for Medicare the relationship between clinician services and other Medicare services payments from drug and device manufacturers to physicians and teaching hospitals in 2015 the medical device industry stand-alone emergency departments hospital and skilled nursing facility use by Medicare beneficiaries who reside in nursing facilities the [...]

2017-06-21T06:00:29-04:00June 21, 2017|Medicare, Medicare post-acute care, MedPAC|
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