Medicare physician fee schedule

MedPAC Looks at Outpatient Payments

The question of whether Medicare should pay different rates for outpatient services delivered in different types of settings was very much on the minds of Medicare Payment Advisory Commission members during their public meetings last week. The issue has been around for a while:  are there valid reasons for some facilities to be paid more for certain outpatient services than other facilities?  Or should the payment rate for a given service be the same regardless of where that service is delivered?  Does the site of the service matter – or should it? At issue are Medicare payments made to private [...]

2021-11-18T06:00:01-05:00November 18, 2021|Medicare reimbursement policy, MedPAC|

MedPAC Issues 2018 Report to Congress

The non-partisan legislative branch agency that advises Congress and the administration on Medicare payment policies has submitted its mandatory annual report to Congress. Among the findings included in the report by the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission are: Medicare’s hospital readmissions reduction program has not resulted in increases in emergency room visits or hospital observation stays. Many Medicare accountable care organizations, while maintaining or improving quality, are producing more modest savings than predicted. MedPAC approves of Medicare’s proposals to redesign the case-mix classification system for skilled nursing facilities. MedPAC supports changes Medicare has proposed for patient assessment and therapy requirements for [...]

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