Medicare value-based purchasing program

More Hospitals Gain Than Lose in FY 2020 Value-Based Purchasing Program

Medicare’s value-based purchasing program will reward more hospitals than it will penalize in FY 2020 through its value-based purchasing program. The program, in which 2700 hospitals are scored in four domains – clinical outcomes, safety, person and community engagement, and efficiency and cost reduction – will distribute $1.9 billion in bonus payments to 1500 hospitals. Bonus payment average 0.6 percent, with a high of 2.93 percent.  Penalties average -0.39 percent, with a high of -1.72 percent. Overall, rural hospitals performed better in the safety, person and community engagement, and efficiency and cost reduction categories and had a higher average score [...]

2019-10-30T15:15:04-04:00October 30, 2019|hospitals, Medicare, Medicare reimbursement policy|

Hospitals Improving on Medicare Value-Based Measures

U.S. hospitals continue to improve their performance under Medicare’s value-based purchasing program. In FY 2018, 57 percent of hospitals will receive Medicare bonuses from the program, up from 55 percent in FY 2017.  Bonuses are generally small but for some hospitals will be more than three percent.  Roughly half of all hospitals will experience changes in their Medicare base rates.  The worst performers will see their payments decline 1.65 percent. In FY 2018, hospitals that succeed in the program will share $1.9 billion in bonus payments.  Funding for those payments in this budget-neutral program comes from CMS withholding two percent [...]

2017-11-10T06:00:07-05:00November 10, 2017|Medicaid regulations, Medicare|

VBP No Boon for Patients

Medicare efforts to use value-based purchasing to foster improvement in the quality of hospital care has not improved the quality of patients’ experience in those hospitals, according to a new study. Addressing the quality of patients’ experience in the hospital, the Health Affairs study “Patient Hospital Experience Improved Modestly, But No Evidence Medicare Incentives Promoted Meaningful Gains” concluded about Medicare’s value-based purchasing efforts that While certain subsets of hospitals improved more than others, we found no evidence that the program has had a beneficial effect. See the study here.

2017-01-24T06:00:29-05:00January 24, 2017|Medicare|
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