provider relief fund

Coronavirus Update for Friday, February 26

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as of 2:30 on Friday, February 26. Congress The House Budget Committee has passed a COVID-19 relief bill.  The following is a summary of the bill’s major spending, how it differs from the previous proposals submitted to the Budget Committee by other House committees, and what the bill does not do.   Major Spending Categories The bill, which calls for $1.9 trillion in federal spending and tax credits, proposes: $350 billion for emergency aid to states, local, and tribal governments. $195 billion for state governments, with most of it [...]

2021-03-01T06:00:45-05:00March 1, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for Tuesday, February 16

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as of 2:15 p.m. on Tuesday, February 16. Department of Health and Human Services HHS has announced new staff appointments.  They are: Office of the Secretary Sean McCluskie, Chief of Staff Anne Reid, Deputy Chief of Staff Dawn O’Connell, Senior Counselor, COVID Response Sarah Despres, Counselor for Public Health and Science Kristin Avery, White House Liaison Kathryn Alvarez, Deputy Chief of Staff, COVID Response Perrie Briskin, Senior Advisor to the Chief of Staff David Kessler, Chief Science Officer, COVID Response Shannon Myricks, Deputy White House Liaison Esmeralda Orozco, Special [...]

2021-02-17T08:49:22-05:00February 17, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for Friday, January 15

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as of 2:45 p.m. on Friday, January 15.  We also present a summary of selected aspects of the “American Rescue Plan” that President-elect Biden presented on Thursday night and an introduction to the newest members of his COVID-19 response team. Provider Relief Fund HHS has amended the reporting timeline for the Provider Relief Fund in response to passage of the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act.  Starting today, recipients may begin registering for gateway access to the reporting portal where they ultimately will submit their information in compliance [...]

2021-01-18T06:00:58-05:00January 18, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for Wednesday, January 13

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as of 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, January 13. Provider Relief Fund HHS has updated its Provider Relief Fund FAQ with nine new or modified questions on pages 12-13, 13, 15 (three questions), 40-41, 41, and 56.  The new and modified questions address how changes of ownership affect providers’ ability to receive Provider Relief Fund grants and nursing home quality incentive payments; answer questions about audit deadlines and extensions; and describe the methodology for calculating Phase 3 distributions and the timing and size of those distributions. Providers that have received [...]

2021-01-14T06:00:43-05:00January 14, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronvirus Update for January 4, 2021

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as of 2:30 p.m. on Monday, January 4. Provider Relief Fund HHS has updated its CARES Act Provider Relief Fund FAQ with six changes, all dated 12/28/2020.  They can be found on pages 6 (accounting for Provider Relief Fund distributions), 16 (use of Provider Relief Fund grant money), 40 (HHS’s methodology for calculating Phase 3 distributions), 41 (two changes:  one about how much providers should expect to receive from the Phase 3 distribution and the other about when providers can expect to receive their Phase 3 distributions), and 56 [...]

2021-01-05T06:00:00-05:00January 5, 2021|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for Wednesday, December 23

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as 2:30 p.m. on Wednesday, December 23. Provider Relief Fund The Office of Management and Budget has issued guidance on how funds received through the Provider Relief Fund should be audited.  The guidance also extends audit filing deadlines for three months for recipients whose original audit due dates are between October 1, 2020 and June 20, 2021. HHS has updated its Provider Relief Fund FAQ with three new questions on pages 5 and 6 addressing the Form 1099.  All are marked “Added 12/18/2020.” HHS has updated the Provider Relief [...]

2020-12-24T06:00:36-05:00December 24, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for Wednesday, December 16

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from the federal government as 2:45 p.m. on Wednesday, December 16. Provider Relief Fund HHS announced that it has completed its review of Phase 3 applications from the Provider Relief Fund program and will distribute $24.5 billion to more than 70,000 providers.  HHS said this distribution will satisfy up to 88 percent of each applicant’s reported net lost revenues and net change in expenses caused by COVID-19 in the first half of 2020.  See HHS’s announcement here. Phase 3 was originally announced as a $20 billion distribution.  According to HHS, “As HHS began [...]

2020-12-17T06:00:11-05:00December 17, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|
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