uninsured rate

Number of Uninsured on the Rise

The number of uninsured Americans has risen significantly over the past year:  from 25 million in March of 2023 to 27 million in March of 2024, according to new data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), with the uninsured rate rising from a record low of 7.7 percent to 8.2 percent. The rise in the number of uninsured people results primarily from individuals who became eligible for Medicaid during the COVID-19 public health emergency, a period during which states could not redetermine eligibility without losing some of the additional funding they were receiving from the federal government [...]

2024-08-08T08:46:58-04:00August 7, 2024|Affordable Care Act, Medicaid|

Millions Eligible for Health Insurance Remain Uninsured

More than 15 million Americans who are currently entitled to free or subsidized health insurance are currently uninsured. Among them are 11 million who are eligible for Medicaid but have not applied for benefits and 4.2 million who could afford insurance with the help of federal premium subsidies and either have decided not to take advantage of those subsidies or are unaware of the availability of such subsidies. In addition, another two million people would be eligible for Medicaid if their states expanded their Medicaid program as authorized by the Affordable Care Act. In light of such figures, it is [...]

2019-09-16T06:00:48-04:00September 16, 2019|Affordable Care Act, Medicaid|

Uninsured Rate Rose in 2017

The rate of uninsured Americans rose in 2017, the first such increase since implementation of the Affordable Care Act. According to a new Urban Institute study, The increasing uninsurance rate between 2016 and 2017 was driven by losses of private nongroup coverage, such as that purchased in the health insurance marketplaces, and decreases in Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage (-0.4 percentage points each). In addition, Overall, coverage losses were concentrated in the 19 states that did not expand Medicaid eligibility under the Affordable Care Act by July 1, 2017…Between 2016 and 2017, uninsurance held stable in Medicaid [...]

2019-08-21T10:58:26-04:00August 21, 2019|Affordable Care Act, Medicaid|
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