Alternative payment models

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s November agenda were: congressional request on health care provider consolidation increasing the supply of primary care physicians redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program reforming the benchmarks in the Medicare Advantage payment system considerations for plans serving low-income beneficiaries in the restructuring of Medicare Part D post-acute care spending under the Medicare Shared Savings Program MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues involving the Medicare program.  While its recommendations are not binding on [...]

Azar: More Value-Based Care Coming

Medicare may add more value-based care initiatives and alternative payment models to those it already operates, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar suggested at a recent event in Washington, D.C. During his remarks, Azar spoke about population health benefits, global budgeting for Medicare patients, more primary care programs, and new models that address kidney care and opioid use and hinted at future efforts that address social determinants of health. Learn more about Azar’s remarks about Medicare value-based purchasing and alternative payment models and other current federal health policy matters in the Healthcare Dive article “HHS chief keeps focus on [...]

Use of APMs, Value-Based Payments Continues to Increase

Payments based on alternative payment models and value-based measures continue to play a larger role in health care reimbursement. Almost 36 percent of health care payments involved APMs in 2018.  In addition, fee for service accounted for 39 percent of payments. While these figures represent both represent increases over 2017, the rate at which they are growing has slowed.  With APMs, one of the challenges is that providers have yet to come to terms with downside risk, which is required under some models.  Medicare Advantage plans are especially advanced in adopting new approaches, with 53.6 percent of their payments tied [...]

2019-10-25T06:00:47-04:00October 25, 2019|Alternative payment models|

MedPAC Issues Annual Report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has sent its mandatory annual report to Congress. Included in the report are sections on: Beneficiary enrollment in Medicare: eligibility notification, enrollment process, and Part B late enrollment penalties. Restructuring Medicare Part D for the era of specialty drugs. Medicare payment strategies to improve price competition and value for Part B drugs. MedPAC’s mandated report to Congress on clinician payments. Issues in Medicare beneficiaries’ access to primary care. Assessment of the Medicare Shared Savings Program’s effect on Medicare spending. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data. Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus [...]

Mandatory Payment Models Coming to Medicare?

Even as CMS rolls out new, voluntary Medicare alternative payment models, it is contemplating making participation in future models mandatory rather than voluntary, as is currently the case. Or so Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator Seema Verma told a gathering in Baltimore last week. At the heart of the idea, Verma told her audience, is that while CMS is pleased with participation in voluntary accountable care organization models, organizations are choosing to participate in ACO models they think would benefit them most while posing little or no downside financial risk.  The agency may need to move away from [...]

Adverse Selection May Explain Rising ACO Costs

Hospital ACO costs are rising because of the sicker patients they attract, a new study suggests. According to researchers at University of Wisconsin Health, patients served by traditional Medicare or by physician-led accountable care organizations often switch to hospital-led Medicare ACOs as they encounter health problems, bringing those hospital-led ACOs sicker patients than those otherwise served by such organizations.  As a result, the per patient costs of hospital-led Medicare ACOs often rise more than those of the costs of traditional Medicare and physician-led ACOs.  Often, these shifts are encouraged by patients’ medical specialists. Hospital-led Medicare ACOs have been criticized for [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s April agenda were: Expanding the use of value-based payment in Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program performance Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Increasing the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data Evaluating patient functional assessment data reported by post-acute-care providers Options for slowing the growth of Medicare fee-for-service spending for emergency department services Options to increase the affordability of specialty drugs and biologics in Medicare Part D Improving payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis [...]

Mixed Verdict: Home Health Leads to More Readmissions But Lower Costs

Readmission rates are greater for patients discharged from hospitals to home health care than they are for those discharged to skilled nursing facilities but home health services cost so much less than nursing homes that home health saves money even with the higher numbers of hospital readmissions. This is one of the major findings of a new study comparing differences in outcomes for patients who are admitted to skilled nursing facilities upon discharge from the hospital to those for patients who go direct home and receive home health services. The study also found no meaningful differences in patient mortality or [...]

State to Experiment with Global Budgets for Rural Areas

The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania plans to launch an experiment in which participating health insurers will fund global budgets to care for residents served by selected rural hospitals. The program seeks to preserve access to care in rural parts of the state by stabilizing the financial health of struggling rural hospitals. According to a Pennsylvania Department of Health news release, The Rural Health Model is an alternative payment model, transitioning hospitals from a fee-for-service model to a global budget payment. Instead of hospitals getting paid when someone visits the hospital, they will receive a predictable amount of money. Payment for the [...]

Hospitals Flee Downside Risk in Medicare Bundled Programs

More than half of the hospitals that voluntary participate in Medicare bundled payment model programs leave those programs when faced with the possibility of financial penalties based on their performance. So concludes a new report by the U.S. Government Accountability Office. Some of these models feature both “upside” and “downside” risk.  Upside risk offers financial incentives to participants that keep their costs below targeted amounts; they share those savings with Medicare.  Downside risk occurs when hospitals are penalized when their costs exceed agreed-upon targets.  Some of the model programs begin with only upside risk and later move into both upside [...]

2019-01-29T06:00:06-05:00January 29, 2019|Alternative payment models, hospitals, Medicare|
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