Coronavirus Update for April 10, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators and others as of 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10. The following is the latest information from federal regulators as of 3:30 p.m. on Friday, April 10. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has posted a new “CARES Act Provider Relief Fund” page detailing how it is distributing the first $30 billion of CARES Act grants to hospitals and health care providers. This notice informs grant recipients that they “… are obligated to abstain from “balance billing” any patient for COVID-related treatment.” CMS has updated its compendium of emergency [...]

2020-04-11T06:00:53-04:00April 11, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 9, 2020

The following is the latest information from federal regulators as of 4:45 p.m. on Thursday, April 9. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services See an updated list of the section 1135 waivers CMS has granted to help states and health care providers respond to the COVID-19 crisis. National Institutes of Health The NIH has announced the launch of a clinical trial to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of hydroxychloroquine for the treatment of adults hospitalized with COVID-19. Department of Health and Human Services HHS has issued guidance that authorizes pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests, including serology tests. The Department of [...]

2020-04-09T17:33:34-04:00April 9, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 8, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators as of 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has issued a news release announcing that it has approved approximately $34 billion for providers through its Accelerated and Advance Payment Program, which was created in the CARES Act. Department of Health and Human Services The Department of Health and Human Services has awarded $1.3 billion to 1387 health centers to help communities detect, prevent, diagnose, and treat COVID-19.  See an interactive map that shows the centers awarded grants here. Food and Drug Administration The FDA [...]

2020-04-09T10:55:20-04:00April 9, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 7, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators and others as of 4:15 p.m. on Tuesday, April 7. Federal Funding Opportunities for Hospitals The National Alliance of Safety-Net Hospitals has prepared a document that collects and presents in one place the various new federal funding opportunities for hospitals resulting from legislation addressing the COVID-19 public health emergency.  We thought you might find this useful.  Find that document here. Department of Labor The Department of Labor has published an advisory on unemployment insurance provisions of the CARES Act.  While the advisory memo is directed to state workforce agencies, it includes detailed [...]

2020-04-07T17:38:23-04:00April 7, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 6, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators and others as of 4:30 p.m. on Monday, April 6. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has updated its COVID-19 FAQ for state Medicaid and CHIP programs.  This FAQ covers a variety of subjects, including the use of Appendix K waivers, eligibility and enrollment flexibility, exceptions to timeliness standards, modification of eligibility verification policies, the use of telehealth, the suspension of premiums and other cost-sharing, and more. CMS has posted a video providing answers to commonly asked questions about the expanded Medicare telehealth services authorized under its nation-wide section 1135 waiver. CMS [...]

2020-04-06T17:42:21-04:00April 6, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 3, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators and others as of 4:30 p.m. on Friday, April 3. Department of Labor The Labor Department has published a program letter with a summary of key unemployment insurance provisions of the CARES Act and guidance regarding temporary emergency state staffing flexibility. Federal Communications Commission The FCC has adopted a $200 million telehealth program to support provider responding to the COVID-19 crisis.  The money will help providers purchase telecommunications, broadband connectivity, and devices necessary for providing telehealth services.  See the FCC’s news release and its formal report and order. Centers for [...]

2020-04-04T11:16:41-04:00April 4, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update for April 2, 2020

The following is the latest COVID-19 information from federal regulators and others as of 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  The CDC has published official and detailed ICD-10-CM coding and reporting guidelines for COVID-19 and COVID-19-related medical problems.  These instructions took effect on April 1 and extend through September 30. The CDC has published guidance on the decontamination and reuse of filtering facepiece respirators using contingency and crisis capacity strategies.   Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has been hosting regular calls with a variety of clinicians, hospitals, other facilities, and states in an effort to keep [...]

2020-04-02T17:29:45-04:00April 2, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update: April 1, 2020

Coronavirus Update: April 1, 2020 Medicaid DSH The following is a revised schedule of Medicaid DSH allotment cuts.   Before CARES After CARES FFY 2020 $4 Billion $0 FFY 2021 $8 Billion $4 Billion FFY 2022 $8 Billion $8 Billion FFY 2023 $8 Billion $8 Billion FFY 2024 $8 Billion $8 Billion FFY 2025 $8 Billion $8 Billion Total $44 Billion $36 Billion   Centers for Disease Control Prevention The CDC has updated its guidance on responsible actions when among people who have been or may have been exposed to COVID-19. Food and Drug Administration The FDA has updated its [...]

2020-04-01T17:41:48-04:00April 1, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|

Coronavirus Update: March 31, 2020

Coronavirus Update: March 31, 2020 Yesterday the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) published a major update of Medicare and Medicaid regulations that included blanket waivers of a large number of Medicare and Medicaid regulations and requirements.  The following is a summary of the major aspects of this new regulation. New Policies and Waivers From Medicare and Medicaid Regulations and Requirements CMS has introduced dozens of changes that involve waivers from current regulations and requirements.  A comprehensive, 26-page CMS document describing these changes can be found here and below are the highlights organized into four broad categories: increasing [...]

Coronavirus Update: March 30, 2020

Coronavirus Update: March 30, 2020.  The following is the latest information from the administration and federal regulators as of 4:15 today. The White House Vice President Pence has written to all hospitals asking them to provide to the Department of Health and Human Services daily statistics on all of their in-house COVID-19 testing and results. The White House has published its executive order on exercising the president’s authority under the Defense Production Act on matters involving health and medical resources.   Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has posted a fact sheet explaining to health care provider how to [...]

2020-03-30T17:20:28-04:00March 30, 2020|Coronavirus, COVID-19|
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