
It’s Hospitals’ Turn to Sue Opioid Makers

Hospitals are now joining cities and states in suing opioid makers for the financial damages their products have caused. In Arizona, Florida, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, and West Virginia, hundreds of hospitals are now suing opioid makers in state courts to seek compensation for the unreimbursed costs they incurred caring for uninsured patients who came to them suffering from overdoses and addiction.  For the most part, the most prominent hospitals and health systems in these states have not joined the suits. According to court documents, the suing hospitals estimate that it cost them an average of $107,000 to treat complicated [...]

2019-10-26T06:00:04-04:00October 26, 2019|hospitals|

Court Halts Medicare Site-Neutral Payment Changes

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services did not have the authority to implement the site-neutral payment system for Medicare-covered outpatient services that it introduced last year, a federal court has concluded. According to the court, CMS exceeded its authority because it …was not authorized to ignore the statutory process for setting payment rates in the Outpatient Prospective Payment System and to lower payment rates only for certain services provided by certain providers. In general, hospitals oppose the movement toward site-neutral payments and independent physician groups support it. The court did not order CMS to reimburse affected physician practices for [...]

MedPAC Weighs in on Proposed Medicare Payment Changes

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has submitted formal comments to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services in response to the latter’s publication of a proposed regulation that would govern how Medicare will pay for acute-care hospital inpatient services and long-term hospital care in the coming 2020 fiscal year. The 14-page MedPAC report addresses four aspects of the proposed Medicare payment regulation: inpatient- and outpatient drug- and device related payment proposals proposed changes in the hospital area wage index the reporting of hospitals’ uncompensated care on the Medicare cost report’s S-10 worksheet the long-term hospital prospective payment system MedPAC is [...]

Surprise! Teaching Hospitals Cost Less Than Non-Teaching Hospitals

30-day and episode-of-care costs are lower for care provided by major teaching hospitals than they are for other teaching hospitals and non-teaching hospitals. Or so concludes a new study published by JAMA Open Network. According to the study: Major teaching hospitals’ initial hospitalization costs are higher. Major teaching hospital costs are less than other hospitals after 30 days of care and over entire episodes of care. Major teaching hospitals’ costs are similar to those of other teaching hospitals and non-teaching hospitals over a 90-day episode of care. Major teaching hospitals’ patients incurred lower costs for post-acute care. Major teaching hospitals [...]

2019-06-13T06:00:38-04:00June 13, 2019|hospitals, Medicare|

Uninsured ED and Inpatient Visits Down Since ACA

Uninsured hospital admissions and emergency department visits are down since passage of the Affordable Care Act. And Medicaid-covered admissions and ER visits are up, according to a new analysis. The report, published on the JAMA Network Open, found that ER visits by uninsured patients fell from 16 percent to eight percent between 2006 and 2016, with most of this decline after 2014, while uninsured discharges fell from six percent to four percent. The rate of uninsured ER visits declined, moreover, at a time when overall ER visits continued to rise. While the Affordable Care Act is likely the cause of [...]

2019-05-01T06:00:26-04:00May 1, 2019|Affordable Care Act, hospitals, Medicaid|

CMS Posts Proposed FY 2020 Inpatient Regulation

Medicare would change its wage index system, raise inpatient fees, increase funding for Medicare disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicare DSH), enhance payments for new technologies, and make minor modifications in its hospital readmissions reduction, value-based purchasing, and hospital-acquired condition program if a proposed regulation published this week is ultimately adopted. The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has published its proposed FY 2020 Medicare inpatient prospective payment system regulation:  its plan for paying acute-care hospitals for Medicare-covered inpatient services in FY 2020.  The 1800-page regulation calls for major changes in Medicare’s wage index system – changes CMS says would “…address [...]

Groups Seek Funding for Children’s Hospital Graduate Medical Education

Provide $400 million in funding for children’s hospital graduate medical education programs in the FY 2020 budget, 28 groups have asked congressional leaders in a recent letter. The letter, sent to the chairs and ranking members of the Senate Appropriations Committee’s Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, and Related Agencies and the same subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee, notes that Sustaining pediatric training programs at children’s hospitals to meet the need of children, now and in the future, requires bolstering our national commitment.  Support for training pediatric providers through CHGME (children’s hospitals graduate medical education) lags behind the [...]

2019-04-18T06:00:17-04:00April 18, 2019|hospitals|

MACPAC Recommends Changes in Medicaid Shortfall Definition

Hospitals’ calculation of their Medicaid shortfall would change under a recommendation that MACPAC voted to make to Congress.  That change, in turn, could affect hospitals’ future Medicaid disproportionate share payments. Last week the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission voted overwhelmingly to change how hospitals calculate their Medicaid shortfall:  the difference between what they spend caring for their Medicaid patients and what Medicaid pays them for that care.  Under MACPAC’s proposal, hospitals would need to deduct from their shortfall total all third-party payments they receive for the care they provide to their Medicaid patients. If this proposal were to [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s April agenda were: Expanding the use of value-based payment in Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program performance Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Increasing the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data Evaluating patient functional assessment data reported by post-acute-care providers Options for slowing the growth of Medicare fee-for-service spending for emergency department services Options to increase the affordability of specialty drugs and biologics in Medicare Part D Improving payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis [...]

Prospects Mixed for Non-Profit Hospitals in 2019

There’s good news and bad news for non-profit hospitals in 2019, according to Fitch Ratings, the bond-rating company. The good news: For many, major IT investments have been completed. Many have adjusted to the reality of falling inpatient volume. Many that saw reduced margins as a result of launching, purchasing, or participating in provider-sponsored plans to compete in health exchanges have scaled back those efforts. The bad:  profits and margins may continue to decline – but those declines will not be as steep as they have been in recent years.  Reimbursement may be weaker, too. Learn more from the Fierce [...]

2019-04-01T10:17:11-04:00April 1, 2019|hospitals|
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