Medicare post-acute care

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s November agenda were: congressional request on health care provider consolidation increasing the supply of primary care physicians redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program reforming the benchmarks in the Medicare Advantage payment system considerations for plans serving low-income beneficiaries in the restructuring of Medicare Part D post-acute care spending under the Medicare Shared Savings Program MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues involving the Medicare program.  While its recommendations are not binding on [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s October agenda were: restructuring Medicare Part D improving Medicare payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis facilities updates to the methods used to assess the adequacy of Medicare’s payments for physicians and other health professionals population-based outcome measures:  avoidable hospitalizations and emergency department visits aligning benefits and cost-sharing under a unified payment system for post-acute care policy options to modify the hospice aggregate cap MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues involving the [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s September agenda were: context for Medicare payment policy the effects of Medicare Advantage “spillover” on Medicare fee-for-service spending and coding evaluation of the hospital readmissions reduction program examining the effects of competitive bidding for diabetes testing supplies and improving payment policies for DMEPOS products excluded from competitive bidding a value incentive program for post-acute-care providers Medicare indirect medical education (IME) policy, concerns, and considerations for revising MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues [...]

MedPAC Issues Annual Report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has sent its mandatory annual report to Congress. Included in the report are sections on: Beneficiary enrollment in Medicare: eligibility notification, enrollment process, and Part B late enrollment penalties. Restructuring Medicare Part D for the era of specialty drugs. Medicare payment strategies to improve price competition and value for Part B drugs. MedPAC’s mandated report to Congress on clinician payments. Issues in Medicare beneficiaries’ access to primary care. Assessment of the Medicare Shared Savings Program’s effect on Medicare spending. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data. Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus [...]

Some Readmissions From Nursing Homes to Hospitals Hard to Avoid

Improvements in the delivery of care cannot prevent some skilled nursing facility patients from being readmitted to hospitals, a new study has concluded. According to the study, when advanced practice nurses brought best practices to 16 nursing homes participating in a Medicare pilot program, they enjoyed considerable success reducing hospital readmissions but found themselves unable to stop some, including readmissions caused by residents or their families calling ambulances on their own; patients refusing treatment and then demanding hospitalization because of the effects of the denied treatment; and patients in hospice deciding they want surgery. These were among the findings in [...]

2019-06-07T06:00:44-04:00June 7, 2019|Medicare post-acute care|

Low-Income Patients More Likely to End Up in Low-Quality SNFs

Dually eligible individuals are more likely than others to find themselves in low-rated skilled nursing facilities, recent research has found. According to a study published in the Journal of Applied Gerontology, more than 50 percent of dually eligible individuals – those covered by both Medicare and Medicaid – who are admitted to skilled nursing facilities are served by facilities that have low (one or two stars) ratings under Medicare’s five-star quality rating system for nursing homes.  Overall, the dually eligible are 9.7 percentage points more likely than patients not on Medicaid to be served by lower-rated facilities. The education of [...]

2019-04-19T06:00:35-04:00April 19, 2019|Medicaid, Medicare post-acute care, post-acute care|

Feds Looking to Bundle Medicare Post-Acute Payments?

Bring us your ideas for bundling Medicare post-acute-care payments, the head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation recently told a gathering of hospital officials in Washington, D.C. As reported by Fierce Healthcare, CMMI director Adam Boehler told hospital officials that Now is the time to bring us ideas.  We’re really in listening mode…I think there’s been a lot of intrigue and interest we’ve heard from people.  So we’re gathering stakeholder input there on that and it’s a great time to give us thoughts on where we can lower costs. Learn more from the Fierce Healthcare article "CMMI's Adam [...]

SNF Discharge May Affect Hospital Readmission Rates

Heart failure patients discharged from skilled nursing facilities after two days or less may be as much as four times more likely to be readmitted to a hospital than those who stay longer, according to a new analysis. The study also found that the hospital readmission rate falls by half for patients who remain in a skilled nursing facility for one to two weeks. The analysis evaluated Medicare data for heart failure patients at least 65 years old and did not adjust for their severity of illness. These findings suggest that the current emphasis on limiting patients’ time in post-acute-care [...]

2019-04-11T06:00:21-04:00April 11, 2019|Medicare, Medicare post-acute care, post-acute care|

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s April agenda were: Expanding the use of value-based payment in Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program performance Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Increasing the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data Evaluating patient functional assessment data reported by post-acute-care providers Options for slowing the growth of Medicare fee-for-service spending for emergency department services Options to increase the affordability of specialty drugs and biologics in Medicare Part D Improving payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis [...]

Mixed Verdict: Home Health Leads to More Readmissions But Lower Costs

Readmission rates are greater for patients discharged from hospitals to home health care than they are for those discharged to skilled nursing facilities but home health services cost so much less than nursing homes that home health saves money even with the higher numbers of hospital readmissions. This is one of the major findings of a new study comparing differences in outcomes for patients who are admitted to skilled nursing facilities upon discharge from the hospital to those for patients who go direct home and receive home health services. The study also found no meaningful differences in patient mortality or [...]

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