social determinants of health

Federal Health Policy Update for February 27

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for February 21-27.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Congress The current continuing resolution funding the federal government expires on March 14. Separately, a number of health care extenders, including preventing cuts to Medicaid disproportionate share (Medicaid DSH), an extension of telehealth flexibilities, an extension of the Acute Hospital Care at Home program, and other rural programs, will expire on March 31. Also, provisions that had been included in the bipartisan health care package proposed in December, including PBM reform, the package [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for August 30

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for August 23-30.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. 340B Johnson & Johnson, the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical technologies company, told health care providers this week that it would shift from the long-time 340B upfront discount approach to a rebate model for two of its drugs and that eligible 340B hospitals and other providers will need to purchase the prescription drugs Stelara and Xarelto at list price and then, after dispensing them to patients, will need to submit 340B rebate claims to [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for August 8

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for August 3-8.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. No Surprises Act A federal appeals court has upheld a February lower court ruling that found that the current No Surprises Act’s arbitration process for addressing payment disagreements between payers and providers favored payers by giving too much weight to “qualifying payment amounts,” which are the median of what insurers contract to pay providers in a given geographic area.  Learn more from the appeals court’s decision in the case. Department of Health and [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for May 17

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for May 10-17.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has announced a further extension of deadlines for fulfilling certain Medicaid unwinding requirements.  Some current deadlines will be extended to December 31, 2024 and others through June 30, 2025.  States also may seek to extend selected COVID-19-related flexibilities through June 30, 2025.  Among the deadlines affected by this announcement are those for using ex parte information to determine eligibility; permitting Medicaid managed care organizations to help [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for May 9

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for May 3-9.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services HHS and CMS have announced the Increasing Organ Transplant Access Model, which seeks to increase access to kidney transplants for people living with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), improve the quality of care for people seeking kidney transplants, reduce disparities among individuals undergoing the process of receiving a kidney transplant, and increase the efficiency and capability of transplant hospitals selected to participate.  Hospitals eligible to be selected for [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for April 12

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for April 5-11.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. CMS – Proposed FY 2025 Medicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System Regulation Earlier this week CMS issued its proposed FY 2025 Medicare inpatient prospective payment system regulation – the rule under which it envisions paying acute-care hospitals, critical access hospitals, and long-term care hospitals for inpatient care in the coming fiscal year.  Highlights of the proposed rule include: Rate increases of 2.6 percent for acute-care and critical access hospitals and 2.8 percent for LTCHs. [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for March 21

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for March 15-21.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. The White House The White House has announced new actions to advance women’s health research and innovation and issued an executive order in support of that objective.  The order directs executive branch agencies to integrate women’s health across the federal research portfolio; prioritize investments in women’s health research; pursue new research on women’s midlife health; and assess unmet needs to support women’s health research.  Learn more from this White House fact sheet, which [...]

Looming Medicaid Challenges

State Medicaid programs are facing significant financial challenges in the coming years. Among them:  less federal Medicaid matching money, a continued call by providers for increased payments, and a growing demand to use Medicaid to help address behavioral health challenges. In addition, proponents of investing more Medicaid money in home- and community-based services can be expected to ask state Medicaid programs to cover more services while those programs face a growing demand to use Medicaid resources to address social determinants of health such as poor housing and hunger. At the same time, large numbers of individuals continue to fall off [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for January 25

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for January 12 - 25.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. Department of Health and Human Services – Funding Models HHS has announced a new model to test approaches for addressing the behavioral and physical health and health-related social needs of people with Medicaid and Medicare.  The goal of the Innovation in Behavioral Health Model (IBH) is to improve the overall quality of care and outcomes for adults with mental health conditions and/or substance use disorders by connecting them with the physical, behavioral, [...]

“Drivers of Health” Drive Most Health Outcomes

A recent analysis has found that newly coined “drivers of health” are the primary drivers of health outcomes. According to a Commonwealth Fund report, Research indicates that an estimated 20 percent of health outcomes are linked to medical care; the remaining 80 percent stem from socioeconomic, environmental, and behavioral factors referred to as social drivers of health (DOH).  These factors – such as homelessness, food insecurity, and exposure to intimate partner violence – are associated with chronic illness, mental health issues, acute hospitalizations, and high health care costs and disproportionately impact communities of color. In its proposed 2023 Medicare physician [...]

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