Medicaid premiums

CMS Will Eliminate Medicaid Premiums

The federal government intends to eliminate the premiums it has permitted some states to charge Medicaid beneficiaries in recent years. While the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services originally permitted states to charge Medicaid premiums as an inducement to persuade those states to expand their Medicaid programs, studies have found that the premiums mostly discouraged people from enrolling or reenrolling in Medicaid. CMS will compel Arkansas and Montana to phase out their Medicaid premiums by the end of the year and reportedly intends to impose similar requirements on the six other states that impose such fees. Learn more about Medicaid [...]

2022-02-15T06:00:44-05:00February 15, 2022|Medicaid, Medicaid regulations|

A New Use for Section 1115 Medicaid Waivers?

Historically, states have pursued section 1115 Medicaid waivers as a means of expanding Medicaid eligibility. But the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services now appears to be looking at granting 1115 waivers to help states reduce their Medicaid populations. According to a new report published by the Commonwealth Fund, CMS is encouraging states – both Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states – to launch demonstration programs designed to reduce enrollment in “means-tested public assistance” programs such as Medicaid.  In their efforts to cut spending and reduce Medicaid enrollment, states are expected to seek section 1115 waivers to experiment with means of [...]

2018-01-16T06:00:16-05:00January 16, 2018|Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicaid|
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