Medicaid regulations

CMS Seeks Help With Reducing Administrative and Regulatory Burdens

Reducing administrative and regulatory burdens is the subject of a new request for information issued last week by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. In the RFI, CMS explains that it is especially interested in “…innovative ideas that broaden perspectives on potential solutions to relieve burden and ways to improve” reporting and documentation requirements coding and documentation requirements for Medicare or Medicaid payment prior authorization procedures policies and requirements for rural providers, clinicians, and beneficiaries policies and requirements for dually enrolled (Medicare and Medicaid) beneficiaries beneficiary enrollment and eligibility determination CMS processes for issuing regulations and policies Comments are [...]

CMS Adopts Rule to Protect Medicaid Payments

A new Medicaid provider payment reassignment regulation eliminates the ability of states to divert any portion of Medicaid payments to third parties. Such diversion was authorized, in a limited manner, in 2014, when CMS created an exception to the existing prohibition on the diversion of provider payments to third parties.  That exception involved diversion of payments to selected third parties, mostly in-home personal care workers, but in this new, final regulation, the agency eliminates this exception, maintaining that it is inconsistent with the Social Security Act. Learn more about the new regulation in a CMS news release or see the [...]

2019-05-07T06:00:52-04:00May 7, 2019|Medicaid, Medicaid regulations|

Protections Overlooked as Medicaid Reforms are Implemented

In its eagerness to help states introduce changes in their Medicaid programs and reduce administrative burdens, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is ignoring regulatory requirements designed to understand and measure the impact of those changes on beneficiaries. According to an analysis by the Los Angeles Times, many states seeking to implement Medicaid work requirements have not projected how many of their beneficiaries would be affected by those requirements nor have they projected how many beneficiaries who are removed from the Medicaid rolls will gain employment after losing their Medicaid benefits.  Both projections are required under Medicaid regulations adopted [...]

CMS Proposes New Medicaid Managed Care Regulation

Just two years after a major overhaul of Medicaid managed care regulations, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services is again proposing changes in how the federal government regulates the delivery of managed care services to Medicaid beneficiaries. Under the newly proposed regulation, states would: be free to implement more changes in their managed care programs without seeking federal permission; have slightly more flexibility in how supplemental payments are made to hospitals through managed care plans and implement some such changes without federal approval; be permitted to redefine what constitutes an adequate provider network for managed care plans; and not [...]

HHS Posts Regulatory Agenda

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has posted a list of the regulations it is already working on or intends to work on in the coming months. Included in the list are links to the individual subjects that lead to descriptions of the subject and HHS’s intentions as well as the latest information on the status of the anticipated regulation and its priority within the agency’s overall regulatory work.  Among the listed regulations are a number that address Medicare and Medicaid. Go here to see the list.

2018-10-22T06:00:15-04:00October 22, 2018|Medicaid regulations, Medicare regulations|

Hospitals, Others Oppose Easing Medicaid Access Requirements

Hospital groups and other health care interest organizations have expressed strong opposition to a Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services proposal to ease requirements that states ensure adequate access to care for their Medicaid population. Under current federal Medicaid law, states must periodically review their Medicaid provider networks to ensure that Medicaid recipients have adequate access to care.  Under a March CMS proposal, that requirement would exempt states from performing such reviews if at least 85 percent of their Medicaid population is enrolled in a managed care plan and similarly exempt them from reviewing the impact on their provider networks [...]

New Help With Addressing Low-Income Patients’ Social Services Needs?

One of the long-time barriers to states and hospitals addressing low-income patients’ social services needs and the social determinants of health has been a lack of resources for such assistance.  Medicaid, in particular, has not been a financial participant in such efforts. But that may be changing. The new federal Medicaid managed care regulation, updated nearly two years ago, allows for the inclusion of some non-clinical services as covered Medicaid services and for funding for such services to be folded into Medicaid managed care plans’ capitation rates and medical loss ratios.  The updated regulation also encourages greater coordination of care [...]

2017-12-04T06:00:13-05:00December 4, 2017|Medicaid|
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