Medicare Part D

MedPAC Outlines Plans for the Coming Year

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has shared its agenda for its 2023-2024 public meeting cycle. According to MedPAC, it will engage in its regular work of offering recommendations to Congress on the adequacy of Medicare payments to providers and, as needed, suggest changes in those payments.  In addition, it will fulfill two statutory requirements in the coming year:  to evaluate Medicare Advantage special needs plans for individuals eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid and to review the new “Rural Emergency Hospital” designation. In addition, MedPAC writes that We are working on several other issues in the Medicare program as well, [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for February 6

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for the week of January 23 to February 6.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. 340B Pharmaceutical companies may restrict the ability of providers to use specialty and community pharmacies to distribute 340B-covered drugs, a federal appeals court has decided.  See the court’s ruling here. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services CMS has revised its fact sheets about COVID-19 public health emergency waivers and flexibilities for different types of providers, updating which waivers and flexibilities have already been terminated, which have been [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for December 15

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for the week of December 12-15.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. White House The White House has unveiled its “COVID-19 Winter Preparedness Plan,” the major components of which are expanding easy access to free COVID-19 testing options in the winter; making vaccinations and treatments readily available as cases rise; preparing personnel and resources; and focusing on protecting the highest-risk Americans.  Learn more about the plan from this White House fact sheet and go here for a transcript of the White House [...]

MedPAC Meets

The government agency that advises Congress on Medicare payment matters met publicly in Washington, D.C. last week. During the virtual meeting, members of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission discussed: addressing high prices of drugs covered under Medicare Part B initial findings from MedPAC's analysis of Part D data on drug rebates and discounts segmentation in the stand-alone Part D prescription drug plan market leveraging Medicare policies to address social determinants of health an approach to streamline and harmonize Medicare’s portfolio of alternative payment models aligning fee-for-service payment rates across ambulatory settings MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress [...]

2022-04-12T06:00:14-04:00April 12, 2022|Alternative payment models, Medicare, MedPAC|

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s March agenda were: Addressing Medicare Shared Savings Program vulnerabilities The role of specialists in alternative payment models and accountable care organizations Realigning incentives in Medicare Part D Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Mandated report: Impact of changes in the 21st Century Cures Act to risk adjustment for Medicare Advantage enrollees Improving Medicare’s end-stage renal disease prospective payment system Separately payable drugs in the hospital outpatient prospective payment system MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s October agenda were: restructuring Medicare Part D improving Medicare payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis facilities updates to the methods used to assess the adequacy of Medicare’s payments for physicians and other health professionals population-based outcome measures:  avoidable hospitalizations and emergency department visits aligning benefits and cost-sharing under a unified payment system for post-acute care policy options to modify the hospice aggregate cap MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises Congress on issues involving the [...]

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