Medicare shared savings program

Medicare ACO Participation Rising

Participation in Medicare’s various accountable care organizations is increasing, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services reports. According to CMS, 50 new ACOs will participate in its Medicare Shared Savings Program in 2024 along with another 19 that will participate in a new, permanent payment option version of that program.  Another 71 ACOs renewed their participation in the program, bringing the total number of ACOs in the program to 480 that together will serve nearly 11 million traditional Medicare beneficiaries. Other Medicare ACOs account for another three million participants.  Among them are 2.6 million served by 122 ACOs in the [...]

Federal Health Policy Update for the Week of August 24 to September 2

The following is the latest health policy news from the federal government for the week of August 29 to September 2.  Some of the language used below is taken directly from government documents. The White House The White House has introduced a new “National HIV Strategy” for 2022-2025.  The new strategy updates the 2021 strategy and establishes targets for ending the HIV epidemic in the U.S. by 2030, including a 75 percent reduction in new HIV infections by 2025 and a 90 percent reduction by 2030.  Find the strategy here. Proposed Changes in Medicaid, CHIP, and Basic Health Program Enrollment [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s March agenda were: Addressing Medicare Shared Savings Program vulnerabilities The role of specialists in alternative payment models and accountable care organizations Realigning incentives in Medicare Part D Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Mandated report: Impact of changes in the 21st Century Cures Act to risk adjustment for Medicare Advantage enrollees Improving Medicare’s end-stage renal disease prospective payment system Separately payable drugs in the hospital outpatient prospective payment system MedPAC is an independent congressional agency that advises [...]

MedPAC Issues Annual Report to Congress

The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission has sent its mandatory annual report to Congress. Included in the report are sections on: Beneficiary enrollment in Medicare: eligibility notification, enrollment process, and Part B late enrollment penalties. Restructuring Medicare Part D for the era of specialty drugs. Medicare payment strategies to improve price competition and value for Part B drugs. MedPAC’s mandated report to Congress on clinician payments. Issues in Medicare beneficiaries’ access to primary care. Assessment of the Medicare Shared Savings Program’s effect on Medicare spending. Ensuring the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data. Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus [...]

MedPAC Meets

Last week the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission met in Washington, D.C. to discuss a number of Medicare payment issues. The issues on MedPAC’s April agenda were: Expanding the use of value-based payment in Medicare Medicare Shared Savings Program performance Redesigning the Medicare Advantage quality bonus program Increasing the accuracy and completeness of Medicare Advantage encounter data Evaluating patient functional assessment data reported by post-acute-care providers Options for slowing the growth of Medicare fee-for-service spending for emergency department services Options to increase the affordability of specialty drugs and biologics in Medicare Part D Improving payment for low-volume and isolated outpatient dialysis [...]

ACOs, APMs Proliferate

The number of accountable care organizations and alternative payment models is growing, as is the number of people served by such programs. According to a new study published on the Health Affairs Blog, there are more than 900 ACOs across the country – a 10 percent increase over a year ago. 32 million Americans are served by ACOs today – 2.2 million more than a year ago.  Among them, 59 percent are served through commercial contracts, 29 percent by Medicare contracts, and 12 percent under Medicaid contracts.  ACO growth is greatest in metropolitan areas, the states with the greatest ACO [...]

2017-06-30T06:00:29-04:00June 30, 2017|Accountable Care Organization, ACO|

Incentive Program Reduces Post-Acute-Care Costs

Participants in the Medicare Shared Savings Program are reducing Medicare expenditures for post-acute-care. So reports a new study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. According to the study, the discharge of fewer patients into skilled nursing facilities and shorter stays for those who do spend time in such facilities reduced Medicare post-acute care spending for patients participating in the shared savings program by nine percent in 2014. Learn more about the study in this article in this McKnight’s Long-Term Care News article or go here to see the JAMA Internal Medicine study “Changes in Postacute Care in the Medicare [...]

2017-04-26T06:00:52-04:00April 26, 2017|Medicare|
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