public charge law

Administration to Review Public Charge Rule

President Biden has ordered a review of the federal public charge rule. The controversial rule, which would limit immigration to the U.S. for people who might at some point become dependent on public aid programs, has been the subject of litigation since it was proposed in 2019. The White House executive order directs …the Secretary of State, the Attorney General, the Secretary of Homeland Security, and the heads of other relevant agencies, as appropriate…[to] review all agency actions related to implementation of the public charge ground of inadmissibility… The officials were ordered to report their findings to the president within 60 [...]

2021-02-05T06:00:20-05:00February 5, 2021|Medicaid, Medicaid regulations, Medicare regulations|

Off-Again, On-Again Public Charge Rule is Off Again

A federal rule that would have limited immigration to the U.S. for people who might at some point become dependent on public aid programs has been put on hold again by a federal judge. Implementation of the rule, delayed by several courts and then authorized by the U.S. Supreme Court until the merits of challenges could be heard, was delayed again by a federal court, which said the rule contained “numerous unexplained flaws” that made it “arbitrary and capricious.” Health care advocates feared the rule would discourage some immigrants to whom the rule does not even apply from seeking to [...]

2020-11-03T08:26:59-05:00November 3, 2020|Medicaid|
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