Hospital uncompensated care

Millions Could Lose Medicaid Coverage When COVID Crisis Ends

As many as 15 million Americans may be at risk of losing their health insurance when the COVID-19 public health emergency officially ends, according to a new Urban Institute report. When the COVID crisis began and people began losing their jobs – and with them, their health insurance – Congress increased funding to states for Medicaid under the condition that states not perform eligibility reviews on their Medicaid rolls under after the crisis ends.  Since then, Medicaid enrollment has risen nearly 20 percent, and now, that 20 percent – and more – may be in jeopardy of losing their Medicaid [...]

2022-02-07T06:00:26-05:00February 7, 2022|COVID-19, Medicaid|

Supreme Court Paves Way for Public Charge Regulation

The revised public charge regulation that will make it more difficult for some immigrants to come to the U.S. will be implemented after the Supreme Court lifted preliminary injunctions issued by lower courts that delayed the regulation’s implementation. Under revisions of the public charge regulation introduced last year, individuals seeking entry into the U.S. and green cards who do not appear to be financially independent or have employment commitments can be denied entry if they will be dependent on means-tested public aid programs such as Medicaid or food stamps or even if they, or members of their family, appear likely [...]

2020-02-24T10:38:18-05:00February 24, 2020|hospitals, Medicaid|

Supreme Court Lifts Public Charge Rule Ban

The U.S. can now reject visa and green card applicants based on their financial prospects after a new Supreme Court ruling this week. This ruling has potential long-term implications for health care providers. Last August a new Department of Homeland Security regulation took effect that authorized the federal government to reject immigrants’ applications for visas and green cards if their financial situation and employment prospects suggested that they might become a “public charge” and dependent on government safety-net programs like Medicaid and food stamps.  A number of groups sued to prevent the rule’s implementation and federal courts imposed an injunction [...]

2020-01-30T06:00:23-05:00January 30, 2020|hospitals, Medicaid|

MACPAC Looks at Medicaid DSH

At a time when cuts in Medicaid disproportionate share hospital payments (Medicaid DSH) are still scheduled for the current fiscal year and some in Congress are calling for a new approach to allotting DSH funds among the states, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission has released its annual analysis of Medicaid DSH allotments to the states. The report includes: data about changes in the uninsured rate demographic information about the uninsured information about the cost of hospital uncompensated care perspectives on hospital Medicaid shortfalls a comparison of hospital uncompensated care costs when calculated using different methodologies data about [...]

New Public Charge Rule Could Affect Immigrants, Providers

Legal immigrants may become reluctant to seek government-sponsored health care and providers may find themselves delivering more uncompensated care in the wake of the adoption of a new federal “public charge” regulation that seeks to define more narrowly the kinds of individuals who should be granted entry to the U.S. in the future. The new Department of Homeland Security regulation, while focused on applicants for entry into the U.S., could have the unintended effect of discouraging legal immigrants from enrolling in Medicaid, CHIP, and other government programs and even lead them to disenroll from such programs out of a mistaken [...]

2019-08-14T09:26:39-04:00August 14, 2019|Uncategorized|

Hospital Uncompensated Care Unchanged in 2017

Despite a modest increase in the uninsured rate, hospital uncompensated care in 2017 was $38.4 billion, essentially the same as it was in 2016 and down from the all-time high of $46.8 billion in 2013. This comes from an American Hospital Association survey that also found that in 2017, hospital admissions and inpatient days rose modestly hospital outpatient visits and surgeries increased emergency room visits declined the proportion of for-profit hospitals declined the number of rural hospitals fell Learn more in the Healthcare Dive article “Uncompensated care costs flat in 2017 despite uptick in uninsured.”

2019-01-11T06:00:13-05:00January 11, 2019|hospitals|

Helping Safety-Net Hospitals Help Their Patients

A new report published on the Health Affairs Blog describes the continuing challenges safety-net hospitals face and offers suggestions for helping them meet those challenges. The challenges, according to the report, are the virtual elimination of the Affordable Care Act’s individual health insurance mandate; the continued decline in the amount of Medicare disproportionate share hospital money (Medicare DSH) provided to safety-net hospitals; and hospital closures that shift more of the burden for caring for uninsured patients onto a smaller pool of safety-net hospitals.  The result is under-served patients and new financial risks for the hospitals that remain after some safety-net [...]

House Committee Looks at 340B

Are hospitals using the savings generated by their participation in the section 340B prescription drug discount program to help their low-income and uninsured patients? That’s what the House Energy and Commerce Committee’s Health Subcommittee is asking. Earlier this year the committee requested such information from the Health Services and Resources Administration, which runs the 340B program, and now it’s asking hospitals as well. Specifically, the subcommittee sent five-page letters to 19 providers that participate in the 340B program asking them about: the quantity of 340B-purchased drugs they dispense to Medicare beneficiaries, Medicaid beneficiaries, and those with private insurance the quantity [...]

2017-09-22T06:00:55-04:00September 22, 2017|hospitals|

Hospital Uncompensated Care Down

As was surely expected, reforms introduced through implementation of the Affordable Care Act have driven down uncompensated care costs for many hospitals. How much? A new study published by the Commonwealth Fund offers the following findings: uncompensated care declines in expansion states are substantial relative to profit margins; for every dollar of uncompensated care costs hospitals in expansion states had in 2013, the Affordable Care Act erased 41 cents by 2015; and Medicaid expansion reduced uncompensated care burdens for safety-net hospitals that are not made whole by Medicaid disproportionate share payments (Medicaid DSH). Learn more, including how the decline in [...]

2017-05-15T06:00:48-04:00May 15, 2017|Affordable Care Act, hospitals|
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