medicaid buy-in

Could Medicaid Buy-In Push Aside Medicare for All?

Officials in ten states are giving consideration, in one form or another, to permitting uninsured low-income residents to buy into their Medicaid programs. So while Washington considers the possibility of Medicare for all, the ten states – Nevada, New Mexico, California, Delaware, Oregon, Washington, Connecticut, Illinois, Minnesota, and Wisconsin – are tackling the many issues they must address if they intend to pursue such a ground-breaking option.  Among them: Who would be eligible to participate? What benefits would be offered? Would health plans be available on Affordable Care Act health exchanges, and if so, would ACA subsidies be available to [...]

2019-01-21T06:00:06-05:00January 21, 2019|Medicaid|

New Report Looks at Medicaid Buy-In

While there has been a great deal of public discussion of late about “Medicare for all,” less attention has been paid to the concept of permitting people to buy into their state’s Medicaid program. Now, the Rockefeller Institute of Government has published a new report that presents the different approaches to the concept of Medicaid buy-in. It also seeks to address six major questions of potential Medicaid buy-in efforts: How large is the intended population of new enrollees? What kind of coverage would be offered? How would enrollment be financed? How would rates be set? Would the program use standard [...]

2018-10-23T06:00:04-04:00October 23, 2018|Medicaid|
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