Medicaid program integrity

CMS Outlines New Medicaid Program Integrity Activities

The federal government will introduce a number of initiatives to combat Medicaid waste, fraud, and abuse in the coming months. In an article on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services’ blog, CMS administrator Seema Verma outlined her agency’s major Medicaid program integrity efforts of the past year, including: Oversight of state Medicaid claiming and program integrity Disallowing unallowable claims of federal funding Increased audits and oversight Data sharing and partnerships Education, technical assistance, and collaboration Reducing improper payments Initiatives to be introduced in the coming months include (as described in the blog post): A proposed comprehensive update to Medicaid’s [...]


The Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission met for two days last week in Washington, D.C. The following is MACPAC’s own summary of the sessions. The Commission wrapped up its work on the June 2019 Report to Congress on Medicaid and CHIP at the April meeting, with sessions reviewing four of the report’s five draft chapters on Thursday morning, and votes on potential recommendations later in the afternoon. First on Thursday’s agenda was a draft June chapter on Medicaid prescription drug policy, which contained draft recommendations to provide states with a grace period to determine Medicaid drug coverage and [...]

Verma Speaks at Medicaid Managed Care Summit

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services administrator Seema Verma recently addressed the Medicaid Managed Care Summit, which was held in Washington, D.C. Ms. Verma’s speech focused on four major areas: Empowering states to function as laboratories for innovation by giving them the flexibility to introduce changes that work best for their own citizens. Developing Medicaid and CHIP scorecards that present data on health outcomes, quality metrics, and CMS’s administrative performance. Improving Medicaid program integrity, including through “…targeted audits to ensure that provider claims for actual health care spending match what the [Medicaid managed care] health plans are reporting financially.” Strengthening [...]

2018-10-03T06:00:33-04:00October 3, 2018|Medicaid managed care|
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